האנשים שלנו
We supply a full range of services, which gives our clients solutions for any need, at any period, under any circumstances. Refael-Shitruk comprehensively addresses the accounting, business, economic, financial and tax needs of the client, up to the last detail. As a one-stop station for handling all these needs, we spare the client from having to run around to different specialized areas.

Menny Sasson – Head of Self-Employed Department
Title: Tax Advisor
Graduation: 1995
Specialty: Handling self employed and partnership, tax planning and negotiation with tax authorities.
Motto: The starting point for every tax planner, whether dealing with tax savings, negotiations or negotiating with authorities, is to treat the client's file as if it is his own personal file.
In addition: Father of a daughter named Stav, an amateur musician, a deputy commander of Devorim naval commandos.

Shahaf Arlich – ‘Hacalcalit’ C.E.O.
In addition: Married to Racheli, father of a son named Jonathan.
Moto: "When was the last time you have done something for someone?
Specialty: Entrepreneurship and establishment of business and social systems.
Graduation: 1999 (M.A.)
Title: Economist

Eran Solitzer – Head of Audit Department
Title: CPA Israel
Graduation: 2004
Specialty: Audit and editing financial reports
Moto: "Earn your reputation through hard work."
In addition: Married and father of two daughters, a previous
basketball player for Ha’poel Lev Ha’sharon.

Avi Zoref – Head of Professional Department
Title: CPA Israel
Graduation: 2005
Specialty: Tax Issues Analysis
Moto: The truth is hidden in the details.
In addition: An amateur historian